Air Banner 7
 Archiving Technology through the Decades
Submission Form

Add your item by filling out the following form. Required fields are denoted by an asterisk. (*)
(Select category first)
Year Originally Manufactured:
Attach Up to 4 Images:* Images from your hard drive:
To add an image from your hard drive, click the "Browse" button and then navigate to your image.

These must be images that you have the rights to grant us permission to use.

REMEMBER: You must submit at least one image but may not exceed a total of 4.

Item Description:*
Historical Significance:
Purchase Date: format: mm/dd/yyyy
Purchase Price:
Auction Info: If this submission is for an item that is up for auction on a website that you would like to promote, please complete the following:
Auction URL: (begin with http://)

Auction Expiration Date: (mo/dd/yyyy)

Auction Expiration Time: (United States Pacific Time)
Example: 16:23:15
Web Site Info: Please place link to a website containing relevant information about this item, (with permission).
Web Site Title:

Web Site Description:

Web Site URL (begin with http://)
First Name: *
Last Name: *
State: *
Country: *

time-warp can not be responsible for the authenticity of the items displayed. time-warp cannot be responsible for the accuracy and content of the links provided.
Submissions to time-warp will be archived for future generations. By filling out this form you agree to share the rights to the digital images and information submitted and further agree that time-warp may publish images and text on the web or in other media publications in whole or in part in perpetuity.

Rights to all information, images and text on this website are the property of and may not be duplicated without permission.